Wednesday, 1 April 2015

I'm Back, I Think...

Wednesday. It's exactly a week since I said I thought I'd caught 'a cold' and what a bloody miserable week it's been. I'm still not fully recovered from the throat infection but today is the first day when I don't feel entirely miserable. I also have to catch up with so much work it's quite depressing and seems terribly unfair given that I feel like I need a holiday to recover from whatever exotic bug I caught last week in Chester.

I also want to record a Podcast. Not because I really have big ambitions to record many of them but the yesterday's election campaign really angered me. I also want to record something because I feel that it's a real weakness. I'm a great believer in always working on your biggest weakness. When I started drawing cartoons and realised I couldn't draw feet or shoes, I made sure that every drawing I did for weeks on end involved drawing shoes. When I was learning to play the guitar, it means always playing songs with bar chords. I'm hoping doing more podcasts will help me address the disparity between my inner voice and real voice. Inside my head, I feel quite literate. When speaking, I become a bumbling mess of ums and errs. The difficulty is finding the time to write something, record it and then edit it. I'm making them tasks five, six, and seven for today. Writing this blog update was task one and it's done even if, as you can see, I've already cheated by making it so very short.


  1. It is a bank holiday here today if that helps...?

  2. Thanks. You've just induced my first laughing and coughing fit of the day. It's also a nice idea and makes an interesting quiz question. If a man celebrated all the bank holidays of the world, how many days would he work in a year?

  3. Oh, is the answer 'the same as if a woman celebrated them"...?

  4. I think so but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was 'no'. Bit like is man flu the same as lady flu. It's not.

  5. Two hundred and fifty-nine! :D
