Sunday 5 June 2011

Have I Got News For You...

Been really busy the last week. Barely spent any time away from the drawing table. One thing of note was seeing one of my old Photoshopped images on 'Have I Got News For You' on Friday. Not sure Richard Madeley was too pleased though...


  1. Dead chuffed for you mate. Got over excited infact. Way to over excited

  2. I know. I heard about how you ran down the street shouting about Richard Madeley in his ultra tight shorts. Going to take some work to explain that one away. ;)

  3. Have you sent them an invoice yet?

  4. Didn't even think that I could. To be honest, not sure where I stand on that. It's why I no longer Photoshop. Such a grey area. I know they paid the photo agencies because they asked me who owned the rights to the two images that constituted the finished picture...

  5. It involved a little more than that, but seeing as this is a family friendly blog...
