Wednesday 12 November 2014

No Cartoon

No cartoon today because I was quite pleased with the cartoon I drew last night. In a moment of dumb optimism, I posted it off to Private Eye along with two other of my recent cartoons, which means that I'm hopefully over the huge crushing self-loathing that lasted me nearly half a year and caused me to cartoon nothing. The three I've sent are all quite good. The first, from last night, is probably overdrawn and far too offensive for anybody to publish. That said: it's probably in my top five of the cartoons I've ever drawn. The second is very minimal without even a title and, I think, it pretty strong. The third is my older style and a joke which isn't too bad, even if the drawing isn't the best. Usually it takes them a few days to reject them, at which point I'll have enough material to fill the blog for three days.

In the meantime, the game moves on. Shuffleboard King now has a big new feature which I'm pretty pleased to have got working. It's something that's been commented out in the code for a long time because I could never figure out how to get a certain mechanism working. Last night I had a breakthrough and the new mode now works pretty well (albeit with a few very minor bugs that should be fixable). It's currently at a very vanilla stage and I now need to jazz it up and make it more fun to play. However, version 1.1 of Shuffleboard King should be a major update. I've also ditched the old logo and created a really nice minimalist icon, to match new menus and dozens of other fixes.

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